To catch up on all the Married at First Sight 2019 recaps and gossip, check out the Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page.
Everyone being a bunch of f*cking psychopaths has officially broken Cam and Jules and we shan’t stand for it.
They were the only semi well-adjusted people on this stupid show and now they’re traumatised by how seemingly normal adult humans can a) lie directly to each other’s faces, b) cheat… multiple times, and c) engage in a televised fight about towel usage.
It’s… demoralising.
“I feel so worn down by the drama,” Jules says through tears and yes but also… do you kinda love it orrr?
Cam starts telling a cameraman how hard this experiment has been, and then all of a sudden bursts into tears.
This is it.
This is the moment Married at First Sight broke the happiest man on earth.
Top Comments
Bloody hilarious girls
I’m not even watching the episodes anymore, I just read your recap! Love it. Hysterical.