It was my very first day of maternity leave. I stood up from dinner to put my plate in the sink, and I felt a gush. But instead of broken waters it was bright red blood… and it didn't stop coming.
Before I knew it, I was naked and bleeding on a table under bright white lights in a sterile room. Nobody I knew was around but there were people everywhere working around me. No one acknowledged me. I was terrified. What was happening? Was I going to be okay? Was my baby going to be okay? I was spiralling. Meanwhile, the anaesthetists were too engrossed in small talk about their golf game on the weekend to provide me with any information or comfort. It honestly felt like their weekend hobby was more important than my life at that point.
Just a few minutes before I had become a mum for the very first time, and I felt like I didn't matter at all. I don't want any other mother to feel that way.
My baby had to be taken to the Special Care Nursery, and I told my partner to go with him. I didn't know how he was, and I hoped he didn't feel as alone or discarded as I did. I had had a placental abruption, emergency c-section and a severe postpartum haemorrhage losing two litres of blood. The trifecta no one wants, especially a first-time mum.
Watch: The horoscopes as new mums. Post continues after video.
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