User Comments

jay July 8, 2024

She's a bit of a red hot mess really jumping from one serious relationship to the next. Hope she sorts herself out

jay July 4, 2024

I laugh when 1st time expecting parents say ' my life will not revolve around the baby but the baby will revolve around our life. 'Good luck!

jay July 2, 2024

@simple simon only cheaper for the guests I'd say๐Ÿ˜† I have a friend who won't blink.soending $500 inviting say 3 couples around for dinner. I'm a scab and don't need to impress and I had total 6 adults and 6 kids round for dinner the other night and spent $150 Max and the guests supplied the wine.

jay July 2, 2024

Yes asking who else is coming  before accepting an invite is so rude and people with multiple food intolerances expecting you to cater to them. They don't get invited again

jay June 27, 2024

Rent out a room to ease the financial burden says the RBA boss. 

jay June 19, 2024

@thebasilattack while I agree with you prices are so ridiculous now. I was lucky to build before covid. Now it's doubled in price. If someone lives at home with their parents currently and saves $500 per week for a deposit it would take 8 years to save 200k which my kids would need to buy a 600k property to get the payments down to current rate price of around $600 per week. By then then prices have increased too

jay June 9, 2024

@simple simon lol I married the tradie. Yes the money is good but there are definite drawbacks. He's never got paid for sick days or holidays. Has zero super and getting close to 50, and been doing hard labour since he was 15 and his body is stuffed. 

jay June 6, 2024

Unfortunately I'd say this is at least 80% of husbands.  Probably higher.

jay June 6, 2024

I liked some advice I read somewhere. Go to Uni to find a husband๐Ÿ˜† not even necessarily to complete your course just to surround yourself with eligible bachelors who will be getting good paying jobs after. I feel like a 50's housewife advocating this but I feel at the end of the day most women who want to have kids one day would like to be In a position to not HAVE to go back to work full time but have a good provider. 

jay June 1, 2024

My kiwi friends have told me NZ homes are the coldest.

jay May 20, 2024

I had 2 home births and the post natal care was amazing. The midwife visited me at home almost daily for the first 2 weeks and then weekly after that for 4 weeks. I bombarded her with all my questions and got help with breastfeeding etc... I know home births aren't for everyone but I wish there was something like this in the hospital system. With that extra support I'm sure postnatal depression would at least decrease.

jay May 20, 2024

Demi has the world's best plastic surgeon

jay May 18, 2024

I think Jennifer is addicted to love or what she thinks is love. The natural love drug lasts for up to 3 years and I believe they got back together in 2021๐Ÿ˜†

Plus they seem like very different people. She loves the limelight he doesnt. 

jay May 9, 2024

My daughter Is nearly 13 and I'm trying to hold off on her having social media for as long as possible. She has a better skin care regime than me tho๐Ÿ˜† I'm finding it hard to find good tween movies/series that are age appropriate. I'm not ready for this next

jay May 3, 2024

I hate, hate this saying. What about all those poor sexual abuse survivors or people who have been murdered or the terminally ill. Along with ' when your times up'. All a load of crock.

jay April 26, 2024

@natty_do of course the public system cannot guarantee a dream birth. I've had family and friends with traumatic births in the public system too. I wouldn't waste my money on going private as I don't believe you get any better care.  But that's just my opinion. I've had 2 home births with a midwife and they were far from dream births but the experience and level of care b4, during and after birth was nothing short of amazing. 

jay April 25, 2024

@efffsteele couldn't agree more. That was my suggestion in the comments too. Go public next time and with the money you save hire a midwife or doula. Back 10 years ago it cost me 3k for a private midwife. That provided me with all my pre natal care, she was there for the birth and visited me at home almost daily for the first week or two then weekly until bubs was 6 weeks. A bargain. I wouldn't do it any other way

jay April 24, 2024

Thank you for sharing your story. I'd recommend if you decide to have another baby to just go thru the public system but employ a midwife or doula to empower and support you even if things don't go to plan. All the best x

jay April 22, 2024

@tru_lies19  stay home then. My kids were breastfed and I expressed and went to a concert when my 2nd was 2 months old. ๐Ÿ˜„

jay April 21, 2024

Get a babysitter ๐Ÿ˜€