Being cheated on by your partner can be a devastating experience, both emotionally and physically. The immediate sense of isolation and uncertainty can take a heavy toll on your mental health, leading to symptoms such as shaking, a racing heart, and difficulty sleeping. Even when you do manage to rest, finding the strength to face another day can be a real challenge.
In these difficult moments, take some deep breaths, raise your chin proudly and force yourself to smile. Give yourself a little pep talk, as if you are an athlete about to take the field. Recognise and accept your feelings of sadness, anger and betrayal. These are not only normal – they are inevitable. Stay grounded and try not to panic or catastrophise. Remind yourself that life is a journey and that we are designed to adapt to difficult times – and you will too. Tell yourself (out loud if you like) that you will not only recover, but you will also grow from this experience.
Watch: The Mamamia team share their thoughts on emotional versus physical affair. Post continues after video.
If you haven't already, consider downloading some meditation apps to give your mind a break. Meditation takes practice, but every attempt will refresh you and help you stay in tune with your body.
Isolation and loneliness during Melbourne’s many lockdowns taught me the importance of finding a reason to get out of bed each day, and the same applies when your heart has been broken. You may need to force yourself to do the basics, like showering, eating and napping. Remember that no matter how devastated you feel now, it will get easier over time. The phrase ‘this too shall pass’ is true. It always does.