What goes around comes around, and the same can be said about fashion trends. As a millennial, I distinctly remember the outfits I used to wear in the early to mid-2000s. Peplum tops, business casual to birthday parties and, the one that I cringe at the most, dresses over jeans.
At the time, I thought no one on earth looked better than me, and a part of me admires the confidence I had when I was a teenager. However, that doesn't change the fact that I have a visceral reaction whenever I look back at photos of me from high school.
Watch: One Scarf Three Ways. Post continues below.
I'm born in 1995, and while I am a millennial, I'm a younger millennial, and only a year away from being a Gen Z. When you're on the cusp, it's hard to know where you fit in. You don't really feel like a millennial, but you also can't relate to Gen Z, so I like to think of us cusp babies as our own generation.
But when I see Gen Z bring back old fashion trends, I tap into my millennial side and cringe, because you will never catch me wearing low-rise jeans. Sorry.
So that got me thinking about all the fashion trends Gen Z has brought back that us millennials would rather forget about, and there's a lot. So let's get into it.
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