You might think that a humble stack of pancakes cannot be improved upon, but just you wait.
It’s 2020 and we’re doing things differently this decade. Introducing the ‘pancake grazing board’.
From cheeseboards to pavlova platters, everybody knows that things just taste better when you take an everyday meal, deconstruct its elements and throw them together on a serving plate, or ideally, a plank of wood.
Okay, well, maybe it doesn’t taste better, but it sure makes the meal look more aesthetic.
Do you have a sudden craving for pancakes? Try Mamamia’s failsafe pancake recipe. Post continues below.
Photos of intricately arranged platters of mini pancakes and pikelets next to chopped fruit and other accessories have been doing the social media rounds and we are very excited.
It’s a perfect low-key option for an at-home brunch with friends or if you’re trying to entertain young children.
Apart from cooking the pancakes themselves, there’s minimal food prep and assembly required, meaning there will be very little washing up for you. The worst you’ll have to deal with is a potential sugar-high, but hey… these things happen.
Top Comments
Putting a new time stamp onto an old article doesn't make the idea of a pancake grazing plate for children any better an idea than it was two months ago.
I don't have kids but I'm a teacher. I've seen parents bring in these sorts of fancy platters for class parties. This is how I would imagine a pancake grazing board would go.
The kids will grab a pancake, making sure to touch all the other ones in the process. Then they'll pour an unholy amount of syrup onto the pancake, dripping a good amount on the table and the floor. Then they'll get their syrupy fingers all over the fruit but not actually EAT any of the fruit. Maybe half a strawberry, the uneaten half of which will be left in whatever random place they abandon it.
And this is all ignoring the fact that waffles are superior to pancakes in every possible way anyway. If I was going to go to all this effort, even for adults, it wouldn't be for pancakes.
uh oh - this is how WW3 starts. Waffles vs pancakes - don't even get me started on maple syrup