‘There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’ - Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State and Ambassador to the UN.
This is one of my favourite quotes. You see, too often the greatest enemy women are up against, is one of us. Not a man trying to bring us down – but a woman.
We have worked with these women, we have these women in our families, in our mother’s groups, they write heartless public commentary in our media, on our social media pages. These are the women who don’t just betray us, they betray themselves.
Watch: If a man lived like a woman for a day. Post continues below.
There are women who don’t like other women. In fact, they hate other women. These women, like their male women-hating counterparts tend to live in denial, with no insight into their deep fear and mistrust of their own gender. They don’t know they are women who hate women. They see themselves as separate and somehow in battle with us on behalf of ‘the men’. In this long fought gender war, where equity and justice are at stake, these women are traitors.
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