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snorks July 24, 2024

@suz m it's her actions as district attorney and her inaction as vice president that have people worried. 

snorks July 24, 2024

@rush I'm not necessarily doubting her credentials, more that if the only reason people can find to vote her is that she's a black women, they are doing it wrong. 

She's certainly received a large bump in the polls, but that was expected. It's made things interesting. 

snorks July 23, 2024

@gu3st you were lucky to have a room. We used to live in corridors. 

snorks July 23, 2024

@rush Most definitely. Hillary won the popular vote but lost the election. Anything could happen. 

Is she chooses the right running mate (basically a straight white guy from the south) she has a chance. 
Unfortunately, all I'm seeing on Reddit is 'Isn't it great we get a chance to vote for a woman', rather than saying she's the best person for the job. 
She's pro-choice, so she may be able to get the states on side, but her record as a district attorney is against her. 

snorks July 22, 2024

@rush he hasn't, but in this situation anything other than a resounding 'yes' is a 'no'. 

Even if he supports her later the delay will be hanging over it. 

snorks July 21, 2024

@rush it's certainly flipped the 'he's too old' argument on its head. 

Personally I think it's too late, especially after the bump Trump received after the assassination attempt. 
Obama not supporting Harris is a blow. 

snorks July 19, 2024

@anonymous that's a preet extremist take. We've had families where multiple generations have been president. So many presidents bring out their family members. The Obama's brought their dog into it!

snorks July 19, 2024

@yeahyepyes it's funny, make a joke like 'make me a sandwich'' gets everyone in an uproar. 

Joke about killing the president and people tell you to harden up. 

snorks July 17, 2024

"It’s difficult to see how some have made the jump from members of the marketing team volunteering to dance in a silly TikTok, to misconstruing it with 'using staff'," - volunteering has a different definition when you're asked to do something by your boss. 

snorks July 17, 2024

@gu3st Yes, a conversation ebbs and flows, someone coming in and changing the subject is not the same thing as jumping in on a conversation. I've asked you multiple times how this relates to the original point. If you can't answer that question I'm not sure how you could say you're not off-piste. 

Neither matters more. They each lead to their own outcomes. 

If you want to discuss the effects of presidential immunity I'm happy to do so (you're missing an extremely big part of it by the way), but you'll need to finish off the original discussion first. 

snorks July 16, 2024

@bowerbird that's a pretty extreme mistake. Maybe there was more, but that was probably enough by itself. 

snorks July 15, 2024

@gu3st you've come into a discussion on changing the constitution and have tried to change the subject to something completely different. 

Keeping in mind you've been unable to answer my most basic objections to your points. 

No, I don't have any special insight, which is why I'm surprised you don't know that. 

Lol you think the known ones are worse than the unknown ones?

snorks July 13, 2024

This just boils down to how does it look and how much does it cost 

snorks July 13, 2024

@rush yeah, I definitely had to re-read that part too. 

Maybe that's what $45k will get you. A group of musicians willing to be catapulted into the ocean?!

snorks July 10, 2024

@gu3st semantics is pretty much what the supreme court is for. 

I have no idea what your point is.

I'll give you a tip. All presidents are involved in possibly dodgy or criminal acts. 

And how does this relate to trump changing the constitution?

snorks July 8, 2024

@draculasgirlfriend federal funding makes up about 20% or recurrent funding. The rest is paid by the states. And that is overwhelmingly sent to public schools. 

I guess it's easier to just not mention it if it doesn't support your case. 
Why wouldn't it be tax deductible?

So not wasted, we're talking opportunity cost. 

Not advocating for anything, merely pointing out gaps in facts and logic. 

snorks July 8, 2024

@gu3st every president tries to stack the supreme court. 

He doesn't hold sway over them, but they have similar ideals. 
So they awarded Biden immunity?

Maybe, but I can't see how that relates to the issue at hand. 

Where did I say he can't influence the constitution?
Isn't it shifting in Bidens interest too?

And none of this has anything to do with changing the constitution, which was the original point. 

snorks July 4, 2024

She doesn’t appear to be sorry at all. 

snorks July 3, 2024

@anonymous what exactly do you think he's going to do? Change the constitution with liquid paper and crayons??

There's a process to change it which he has very little control over
Yep, heard all that before he won his first term too. 

snorks July 3, 2024

@anonymous change the constitution? You know that's not how it works, right?

America, and the rest of the world, went quite well during his first term.