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It's the morning after the first commitment ceremony and our couples are feeling very committed. To each other, sure, but also to their own futures as Bondi Sands brand ambassadors.
Shannon, who I can only presume woke up still in love with his ex, says if his new fake wife had told him she was still in love with her ex, he would've left.
And Janelle has had the night to process the alleged cheating between Adam and Claire, and what Lyndall said Adam told her about going home with Claire, and she's realised that maybe that is... concerning. A little.
She asks Adam if what Lyndall said was true, and he denies it because why would Lyndall's presence stop him from going home with Claire? and IDK THAT FEELS SUSPICIOUS.
I greatly appreciate Lyndall's new role as pot stirrer, but it'd be a weirdly specific lie.
And why would he not just say "it's not true because I didn't want to go home with Claire because I LIKE YOU AND WE ARE FAKE MARRIED?"
Janelle decides she believes and trusts him, lol, so they hug it out.
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