Am I… pregnant? This is a question most women have asked themselves at some point in their lives, whether they were hoping the answer was yes, or really hoping the answer was no.
The tricky thing is, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are also some of the many joys women experience every month with their menstrual cycle.
Irregular periods. Missed periods. Bloating. Cramping. Constipation. Lower back pain. Mood swings. Nausea. Needing to pee more.
How do you know if what you’re feeling is an early pregnancy symptom, or related to something else entirely?
From whether pimples and discharge are early pregnancy symptoms, to how pregnancy hormones mess with your gut and leave you feeling exhausted, we asked an expert for all the possible early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Let’s go through them, including the early pregnancy signs before a missed period.
Top Comments
This was a great article! I knew pregnant women often get constipated, but I never knew why, so I learned something today!
Many many early pregnancy signs are so similar to PMS symptoms there's nearly no point symptom-spotting. You'll drive yourself mad. Two I can think back to, tough, which are not often listed were: thrush! Hadn't had a bout in over 10 years. And carpal tunnel syndrome. Both were unusual for me. But I didn't suspect anything at the time.