Don't tell anyone but I've only just started washing my face. If you want to understand why you can read about it here.
Yes, it took me 27 years to actually get it together but better late than never right? Right?? If you're going to judge me I'd rather get it over and done with now [insert moment of judgement here].
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'm grateful we can both move on together — thank you.
Watch: Flight skincare routine. Post continues below.
Since forcing myself to wash my face, I've quickly become addicted to my skincare routines. I get it now. Skincare is fun, it's constantly evolving and it's also just really good for you. Who knew? (Clearly everyone but me).
The biggest obstacle I've run into since starting a skincare routine is navigating what my skin actually needs. It's so great that there is so much information out there but the issue is... there is so much information out there. I've heard horror stories of women ruining their skin barrier by using too much retinol or combining acids that shouldn't be combined or using vitamin C but forgetting to apply sunscreen.. the list goes on.
This alone nearly turned me off learning about skincare altogether but then.. my skin got really bad.