As a journalist, my days are book-ended in the same way. With news.
I read it first thing in the morning. I watch it before I go to bed.
And each day, I bear witness to The Latest Adventures of ScoMo and Albo: On the Campaign Trail.
The visuals are remarkably similar: two white-haired, bespectacled, middle-aged men.
Every day they pledge and scare; all while handshaking, high-fiving and holding babies across the country.
They awkwardly banter with us regular folk in an attempt to feign relatability and an image of a "trusted bloke who'll get the job done”.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison talks federal versus state responsibilities. Article continues after video.
One promises, "A better future”; the other, ”A strong economy”… and "A stronger future”. One isn’t sure of the national rate of unemployment; the other, doesn’t know the weekly JobSeeker rate.
Can I look away yet?
Because when it comes to representing the very real issues that affect voters, there has to be more than daily gaffes, patting dogs, and weaponising curries and Jimmy Barnes performances.
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