User Comments

laura__palmer April 24, 2024

@chrissyinthemiddle it’s not about “defining a group”, it’s about the fact that most violent acts are committed by men against both women and other men. You can’t have a proper discussion or change without that fact being properly acknowledged. When it comes to that fact, feelings don’t matter. And using men like Andrew Tate as some kind of threat to shut down the tough discussions that need to happen around that fact also doesn’t help. “They’ll just seek out Andrew Tate!” They are doing that anyway and that’s more about misogyny and wanting women to be subservient, which is just another example of male entitlement, it’s not because of discussions around the fact that men are violent. 

laura__palmer April 23, 2024

Although I do not think the onus should EVER be on women, I think it should be legal to carry pepper spray. 
I did hear the other day that one could carry a small can of spray paint, as you can spray that in someone's face with a similar effect and you will mark them with paint. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

@tru_lies19 you can express milk. I did it to go to a concert and I left our baby with his father. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

breach an AVO, and receive a hefty custodial sentence. I don't understand why it's so hard to put the protection of women first and allow men to continue to harass, stalk and threaten women. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

@Cait nope, there are places that it is not suitable to take a baby. A comedy show with an age restriction is one. There might be people who have gone purely because it's a show with an age restriction because they don't want to have to listen to someone else's baby carry on. There are plenty of things to do and places to go with a baby, this wasn't one of them. 
She wasn't kicked out for breastfeeding, she was kicked out for breaking the age restriction rules. It's not a human right to take a baby wherever you like. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

Here is a direct quote from a well-known MRA on Facebook - this was a public comment
"Don't tell me to care about murdered women, tell women to stop being murdered"
The group he runs has hundreds of members, many of whom are active daily and posting nothing but sheer misogynistic comments. There are thousands of groups like this all over Facebook, there are countless men who post this stuff daily. Nothing will change while these men, and the women who support them are out there and active. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

I don't think I've seen one comment that has sided with the mother. Even on the feminist pages I follow, most women are like "why did you bring a baby to a show that has an age restriction" 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

@chrissyinthemiddle no one is shaming and blaming all boys and men and the #notallmen argument is tiresome and gets us nowhere. Let's be honest about it, it might not be all men, but most violent acts are carried out by men, on both men and women. The only way to get traction on this issue is first to acknowledge that fact at a school level so that boys understand the actual issues, rather than this pussy footing around men's feelings. 

laura__palmer April 22, 2024

There are places where others have to put up with a baby and deal with one being in their space, no matter how disruptive, like a plane. A theatre where an adults only comedy show is happening is not one of them. 

She also wasn’t breastfeeding the baby at the time? Is that right? 
If you have a baby, there’s things you can’t do unless you get someone to look after your baby. That’s just the way it is. 

laura__palmer April 19, 2024

@taintedblackcat  I don’t know if she did or she didn’t, it’s still a better response either way. 

laura__palmer April 19, 2024

Well said. Not enough men care. Too many men are MRAs who derail the issue with “women can be violent too!” And claim that talking about this being a gendered issue is “misandry”. Too many men put it back on women “why didn’t she leave?” “We should teach women self defence” . Not enough men are standing up and calling for robust legislation to deal with stalking and threats of violence, to deal with men’s anger, entitlement and aggression before they kill. And then there’s the women who parrot this, who instead of supporting women, they support the men who set up social media groups that deride feminism, that make jokes about domestic violence, that make fun of how women dress or their hairstyles and claim that it’s actually men who are in danger of women or that women are taking their kids off them for no good reason in family court. Who ignore the fact that men commit the overwhelmingly majority of violent assaults, against women and themselves. It will never change until those men are their female cheer squad are silenced and law makers put women first. 

laura__palmer April 17, 2024

Sydney's comments were mature and well thought out. Ms Baum could take a cue from her

laura__palmer April 17, 2024

@lizbette was it? How do you know? Other people with his illness don’t go and kill others. I would say there were a number of factors, including male entitlement and misogyny, which are prevalent and influential in our society. 

laura__palmer April 16, 2024

@gu3st "like pushing a barrow full of feathers into a hurricane and then remaining everlastingly insistent that it's still full."
Thank you for this quote. Its going to come in handy!

laura__palmer April 16, 2024

@anonymous How sad, though. That we have to accept these crumbs of justice, rather than this man getting his just desserts and receiving a criminal conviction. 

laura__palmer April 16, 2024

@lizbette he was still motivated by something and that seems to be misogyny and hostility towards women. It can be both and not recognising that is harmful

laura__palmer April 16, 2024

@lizbette nothing happens in a vacuum.

laura__palmer April 15, 2024

Although he should have been convicted of rape and given a custodial sentence, I am pleased he has been discredited and shamed for his actions and assault on Brittany. I am also delighted that his lawsuit was not successful and his behaviour when offered a deal by Channel 7 was exposed. It really has outlined who this person really is and it's not pretty

laura__palmer April 15, 2024

@yeahyepyes his father has directly stated that this man had hostility towards women. This was a targeted attack by a very mentally unstable man. 

laura__palmer April 15, 2024

I think there needs to be a more nuanced discussion here. Yes, he targeted women and it is looking like it was motivated by hostility towards women, his father has said some very concerning things about his son on this. And, even though he was mentally unwell, these feelings manifested because of the prevalence of misogyny and male aggression and entitlement in our society. However, I don't think that should overshadow the issues surrounding mental health care, or rather, the lack of it. Based on all accounts, this man should not have been out in the community and there needs to be more services in place for people and their families to receive treatment and support. We just don't do enough to address mental health issues, and even though most people with mental health issues don't go on to hurt others like this, they do hurt themselves and their families are left trying to manage a person with severe issues that they just aren't equipped to deal with.