User Comments

laura__palmer July 26, 2024

Whoa! Stop the presses! A prince from a nation that spent centuries plundering the riches and spoils from others and building a global empire through colonisation is rich?! Who would have thought it! 

laura__palmer July 25, 2024

Not this pig again. Dude, you are the only one responsible. Your children begged for their lives as you killed them. Christianity has a lot to answer for if people like this can use it to excuse their abhorrent actions.

laura__palmer July 25, 2024

I've gone low contact with my mother because she is judgemental, mean and exhausting and I have a lot of trauma as to how she treated me as a child. She is a bully. But if you asked her, she'd act all innocent and claim that she had no idea what my problem was. So I tend to believe the children in these relationships, not the toxic parents who act like their kids owe them something. Kids don't owe their parents anything.

laura__palmer July 25, 2024

"Harris believes that women should have the right to choose on all their reproductive rights."
Yes. It's insane that this is still even a debate

laura__palmer July 24, 2024

Honestly, the whole notion of what a police force is needs to change. What a senseless act by an unhinged, poorly-trained officer. 

laura__palmer July 24, 2024

This song is unremarkable, pop fodder. Not catchy or memorable at all. The film clip is so hacky and I am sceptical that it was made as a parody, I think they are saying that now after the video was totally panned. 
A "feminist" song that completely caters to the male gaze and is full of boring cliches?  What is this? Girl Power 2005?
It's a no from me. There are so many talented new female artists who are coming up that deserve way more attention than this rubbish. 

laura__palmer July 23, 2024


Another thing in Australia, TAFE teachers should be refusing to do the constant Certificate IV in Training and Assessment updates. It’s a terrible course, ironically for an alleged training course it’s infamously known in the industry as not making any sense and also teaching nothing of value. It’s actually just a money spinner for the industry, which why the higher ups defend it and force teachers to do the updates. 
YES! I could not agree more! It is such a waste of time, it is a terrible course and I know many great, long-standing TAFE teachers who have to jump through these hoops constantly, even though their tenure and outcomes alone should be enough to satisfy any audit. 

And I agree about the admin tasks, too. Once there were teacher's assistants to do that work, but that job has changed to mostly assisting children with learning difficulties and the slack has not been picked up by employing more admin staff, but rather lumped on the teachers. 

laura__palmer July 23, 2024

@rush JD Vance is not a good pic for VP. It may be the Dem's saving grace. 

laura__palmer July 23, 2024

@yeahyepyes Considering JD Vance is turning out to be a terrible pick that even other Republicans can't get behind and has a negative approval rating (the first VP nominee ever) and Elon Musk has reneged on his donation promise because he doesn't 'subscribe to cult of personality", I'd say that the Dems aren't dead in the water yet. And I've been pretty sure up until now that Trump had it in the bag. 

laura__palmer July 23, 2024

Men who don't know simple stuff like this about periods don't deserve to have sex with women. 

laura__palmer July 23, 2024

I can't imagine a world where this would annoy me. 

laura__palmer July 22, 2024

@suz perhaps some of the dads could help out, instead of schools relying on the unpaid labour of women. In my experience, SAHM mothers do have more time than working mothers, given they don't go to work and are supported to stay at home. 

laura__palmer July 22, 2024

If Poonam wants to stay here with her daughter, then please let her stay. She deserves to heal. 

laura__palmer July 21, 2024

@d123 Indeed! In fact, the salaries of teachers shrank as the job became more female-dominated. 

laura__palmer July 21, 2024

@suz you don't know that she is a working mother! I am a working mother and I would never be so inconsiderate. Please don't disparage working mothers, they are doing the best for their families. 

laura__palmer July 21, 2024

@suz Being a working mother, you can't help at school because you are at work. No one should be picking up the shortfall for free. Schools have for far too long relied on the unpaid labour of women and it's time it stopped. 

laura__palmer July 21, 2024

@suz far out they deserve it! They deserve more for all the outside-of-work time stuff they do, too. When my son was in primary school, the bus for their excursion broke down, meaning that students missed their connecting buses and didn't get back to campus until around 7pm. The teachers updated all parents constantly and even took students home in their own cars if needed. Some of them wouldn't have knocked off until after 9pm. I've always remembered this, they didn't have to stay, yet they did. 

laura__palmer July 20, 2024

@mamamia-user-717442459 this teacher is from the USA and they absolutely get a pittance. They have to take in other jobs to make ends meet.

laura__palmer July 16, 2024

@bowerbird I reckon there was some pressure on Jack Black to distance himself from the comments...

laura__palmer July 16, 2024

"Trump said he would “stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi“ if reelected president, asking a crowd of supporters, “How’s her husband doing by the way?” and saying a “wall around her house” didn’t do a “good job” of protecting her 82-year-old husband from an intruder who fractured his skull with a hammer during a break-in last year—prompting laughter from the crowd."
I guess when you say stuff like this after someone else is attacked by a hammer, people are going to make jokes when it happens to you... I have no sympathy for Trump, I have sympathy for the people who were hurt and killed around him and I don't like gun violence or that someone thinks that they can shoot another person because they don't like their politics, but Trump doesn't care about others, so why should we care about him? Why shouldn't he be the butt of a joke when he is so quick to make a joke about the misfortune of others? He hasn't even reached out to the family of the man who was killed. 
I find all the hang wringing by people like Kyle Sandilands to be outrageous.