They say it takes all types to make a world.
One of those is Zach.
Zach Kozyrski is a 39-year-old personal trainer from WA and a self-described “weapon”. You might have seen him most recently on Australian Survivor 2018 Champions vs. Contenders as the leader of the ‘boys club’ contenders alliance.
Zach also likes to open his mouth and say crappy things.
This week, Survivor viewers (including past contestants, the show’s host Jonathan LaPaglia… this writer) have felt irked by comments Zach has and no doubt will continue to make about other contestants.
In particular, towards his female tribe members. Or as he calls them: useless little girls, snowflakes he’s struggling to carry on his back. Women who are worth nothing except for washing dishes.
Atta boy Zac….keep diggin’ that hole just a little deeper ⛏???? #SurvivorAU
— Jonathan LaPaglia (@JLa_Paglia) August 7, 2018
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Just finished watching Episode 6 (I'm watching on catchup) and the comments this guy is saying are just making my blood boil. I never liked him to begin with, but when he started being misogynistic and demeaning? Nah, not on - I'm actually disappointed in the producers that they let someone onto the show who holds those sorts of views. While I would say I am shocked that people like Zach still see nothing wrong in holding (and publicly airing) such despicable viewpoints in 2018, the realistic part of me knows that there's a lot of people out there who would find no fault in his attitudes and behaviour. All I can hope is that the rest of the tribe sees him for the utter dickhead that he is and gets rid of him sooner rather than later - would love to see his mum's reaction to his disgusting views about women.
I was so looking forward to seeing him make the merge and be at Moana's mercy. He was nowhere near intelligent enough to hold his own. Now Mo's gone there's no point to Zach.