I absolutely love Instagram. I love my daily dose of mindless scrolling through serene pictures of the ocean, fun mum memes and positive quotes.
But there is one thing I'm seeing on Instagram recently that’s concerning me. It’s the influx of network marketers from MLM's, using and abusing social media as a free marketing tool with the goal of accumulating financial freedom, under the guise of sharing their own ‘low-tox’ journey with ‘like-minded women.'
Side note... here's how you self care according to your star sign. Post continues below.
What a perfect time to do so, it seems - especially for MLM’s selling low-tox products such as essential oils to improve your health and wellbeing and supposedly cure a number of ailments.
In my opinion, they’re preying on the current fears surrounding the COVID-19 virus and insecurities people have around the health and wellbeing of their children and family members.
Looking at these feeds, it all appears so innocent. You’re following what looks like another cool mum or school mum friend; admiring their photos. Their life looks so much nicer, healthier, cleaner and more organised than yours.
They appear to have it all. The ideal home. The supportive partner. Even their children are miraculously healthy and calm, and it's all a result of their own 'low-tox journey.'
They profess they’re living their dream life, on a path toward financial freedom that they never thought possible. A husband who can soon retire, all-expenses-paid overseas trips, a beachside home... and they specifically want you to know that the income potential is endless and that ‘there’s room for you too.'
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