
The unusual food that Princess Charlotte simply loves to eat.


Ah, three-year-olds. Such an amazing age; super cute and super clever, and they also know exactly what they want. No naps, no pants… and olives.

Wait, what?

Yes, you read that right. Three-year-olds love to eat salty, sort-of-slimy olives, right? Or maybe that’s just Princess Charlotte.

Charlotte’s mum, Catherine, the Duchess of Sussex, revealed her daughter’s interesting preference when she visited pupils at Lavender Primary School for Children’s Mental Health Week.

Whilst some of us in the Mamamia office (OK, well, just this author) were surprised to learn that olives could be eaten other than a garnish for martinis, the news was also surprising, because as most people would agree, olives are an ‘acquired’ taste.

And it’s evidently a taste Princess Charlotte has definitely acquired.

Speaking to the children present during “Show and Tell”, the Duchess said her daughter enjoys eating olives as a snack.


“Charlotte loves olives,” Katherine said, adding that she regularly involves George, five, (but presumably not 9-month-old Louis) with meal preparation, especially if they’re having pasta.

“One stirs the flour, one puts the milk and butter in, and they make salads and stuff,” the Duchess said.

She also spoke with the children about the effect of high sugar foods on mental health, because they can give a brief feeling of euphoria before depleting emotions.

Matthew Kleiner-Mann, chief executive of the the Ivy Learning Trust, later said at the event, “[The Duchess] was telling us how much her children love cooking and how they cook for her. They made cheesy pasta the other day.”

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The Duchess has previously shared that her children love to help make pizza dough – but as to whether there is a family food fight over olives being on said pizzas, is something that remains to be seen.

Stay tuned…

Do your kids like any ‘unusual’ foods? Tell us in the comments below.

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