After having my daughter, Ari, it didn't take long to figure out whether to have a second child. My body decided for me. So thoughtful!
My hormones like to make trouble and come and go as they please. My ovaries are - not to brag - completely covered in cysts. My eggs are quite comfortable, thank you very much, and refuse to be released. Plus, I have an incapacitating chronic illness that some days leaves me bedridden, meaning that bringing another little human into our world would probably be irresponsible.
But now my daughter is four years old, and she’s started to notice that all the families around us have two, three, and even four kids, so why does her family only have one?
Watch: Laura Byrne on being a 'good mum'. Post continues below.
Why isn’t there a baby in your belly?
The questions began a few months ago.
"Mummy, do I have a sister?"
"Mummy, am I a big sister?"
"Mummy, why don’t you have a baby in your belly?"
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