In 2012, the idea of finding love online was still seen as a bit ‘weird’. But for some people, it was — and still is — the most suitable way of finding what they’re looking for in life.
Back then, the term “Catfishing” wasn’t widely used. It was a word I knew nothing about and was even naive enough to think people were referring to fishing for actual catfish. I didn’t realise at that time just how very wrong I was and that I would come to know the full meaning of the word in the most hurtful way.
I was at a point in life where simply going out to meet a potential partner was impossible. I lacked the self-confidence to put myself into a public environment because I simply was never approached when out. I felt sad. All my friends around me were in couples, with some moving in together, others getting engaged or married and others having kids.
I began to wonder what was wrong with me and why I couldn’t find what they had. Before long, I found myself turning back to online dating.
Casey Donovan on being catfished. Post continues after video.
I wasn’t a stranger to dating online, I just hadn’t had much luck with it in the past.
Top Comments
hey luv dont' feel bad..i accepted a friend request from an actual younger man from Nigeria..about a year ago...Since then we have messaged each other every day except for the times i blocked him and he begged me back via email..I love his accent..and he says the sweetest things and yes i guess i am in love with him...He is who he says he is ...but he has lied to me ...Over the past months i have sent him small amounts of money for various reasons.I can't seem to let him go...He wants to come here badly but was denied a visa...or so he said...all i saw was a generic refusal i paid half on the visa ...we video chat and he calls me on facetime frequently..but i have lied to him as well...about certain things about myself...hahhah so i cant really be that mad with him ...i dont know where this will end but for right now he fulfills some kind of need i have since losing my husband..Women need to hear these sweet things they say..Their professions of love and how you are who they have been looking for all their lives...he first tried to get me on whatsapp and i refused..if they wont video chat with you that is the biggest red flag on them not being who they say they are...and trying to get you to google hangouts and whats app...if they look too handsome then its probably not who they say they are...Your not stupid or dumb just someone who needed some love in their life....
"if they look too handsome then its probably not who they say they are"
From the article. "The scammer had assumed an identity and sucked me in with the irresistible looks"
This is my query: If the victims are just lonely, and are looking for someone who wants to be with them, why are they usually with a model type woman or handsome professional army type man?
Your think they are being unrealistic because they aren't good looking enough to attract a handsome man or good looking woman?
Ummm... I didn't say that - but maybe did imply it.
(There was a show on catfishing where the host asked the not so glamorous male victim: didn't he wonder why a super model type woman would be interested in him.)
I'm saying the victims of these scams always say they were lonely and were just looking for someone who wants to be with them. I question this when the person involved is a supermodel type woman or handsome army general/engineer.
You can fall for chains of silver
You can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers... and the promises they hold
Romeo and Juliet, Dire Straits