reality tv

According to Survivor's Jackie, this season's most underrated player might just win.

Survivor fans would’ve seen Jackie Glazier’s elimination from Australian Survivor 2018 Champions vs. Contenders last night coming from way off.

The World Series poker player pretending to be Australia’s fastest female speed cuber played the game hard from day one on the island, rubbing others on the Champions tribe the wrong way.

That said, her love and dedication to the game couldn’t have been questioned – from the moment she broke down into fake tears about having a hard day at the Rubik’s cube office, to the Rubik’s cube necklace worn around her neck, she kept to her game strategy right until the end.

While Survivor is still full of fierce competitors – former rugby league player Mat Rogers, The Commando Steve Willis, The Contender’s Teigen Gasior and Olympic Arial Skier Lydia Lassila, to name a few – Jackie thinks one of the stealthier contestants is staying well under the public’s radar.

“How each of the Champions is being portrayed is accurate… but there’s a lot of things you don’t see on TV,” the 44-year-old from Victoria told Mamamia.

For example, Jackie has fellow Champion tribe mate Sharn Coombes, a 41-year-old criminal barrister from Melbourne, picked as a potential Sole Survivor.

She also thought audiences didn’t really get to see how much eliminated contestant and Army veteran Damien Thomlinson was playing hard behind the scenes.

Survivor 2018
According to Jackie, Sharn (in the purple) is the one viewers should keep an eye on. Image: Ten.

"I don't think viewers are getting to see just how strongly Sharn's playing the game.... I also don't think we got to see how strategic and how much of a threat Damien was," she said.

Now that she's officially back in a world where hot showers are readily available, Jackie said it was the personal hygiene aspect of Survivor she found most difficult about playing the game.

"To be honest, the things like a hot shower, soap and mattress are the things I was most looking forward to having again. It's always good to get home to those things like being able to brush your teeth and wash yourself."

"Whenever we had reward challenges, they all wanted food, 'we need protein', blah, blah, blah... I just wanted a bar of soap! A hairbrush, a toothbrush, maybe some deodorant - it's so dirty out there, you're lying on the ground and when it rains or gets wet, it's filthy... it's pretty tough out there."

Although Jackie is disappointed to have left Survivor so early - it'd been a dream of hers to win - she wouldn't change a thing about the hard-ball way she went about playing the game.

"Yes, it's nice to be home, but it's hard because I really did want to be the Sole Survivor."

Australian Survivor 2018 Champions vs. Contenders is on Network Ten tonight at 7:30pm.

Are you watching Survivor? Who do you think will win?