A trip to the doctor is a part of life and often a necessity. But for some, that necessity comes with a hefty price tag.
We rely on general practitioners a lot, GPs continuing to be the most common health professionals seen by patients in 2022 to 2023.
However, the proportion of people who couldn't see their preferred GP on one or more occasions increased to 36.3 per cent in 2023 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The reasoning often comes down to cost, availability and access.
Wait times are also increasing. The report showed 29.6 per cent of people are waiting longer than they feel acceptable for a GP appointment, particularly impacting those living in outer regional and remote areas.
Watch: Addressing gender inequities in healthcare. Post continues below.
And we need to talk about the elephant in the room... bulk billing.
Less than one in four Australian general practices provide bulk billing to all patients. Cleanbill, an online healthcare directory, released a report which found that 500 Aussie clinics switched to private billing in the past year.
Bulk billing is where the cost of a consultation, fully or in part, is paid for by Medicare. Access to bulk billing over the years has depended mostly on whereabouts you live and the options available to you. But in recent months, many Aussies are reporting that if they did once have access to bulk billing, they no longer do, or it's becoming far more limited.
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