One day soon, you’ll be able to walk into any chemist and pick up a moisturiser with cannabis oil in it.
Not marijuana, but CBD oil, also known as cannabis oil and medicinal cannabis.
Since the Australian Government legalised the use of CBD oil for medical purposes in 2016, a limited number of Australians are legally using cannabis oil to treat various medical conditions. The ABC reports as many as 100,000 are sourcing it illegally due to the drug’s complicated prescription process.
Right now, you can’t buy CBD oil over the counter, but once it’s eventually decriminalised in Australia as it has been in America and Europe, CBD products will pop up everywhere. In your skincare, wellness products, sleep products and even in your food.
So, what is CBD oil and how is it different to the marijuana or cannabis you may or may not have come across before? We asked a cannabis oil expert to answer everything you need to know about cannabis oil and the benefits of CBD oil products.
What is CBD oil (cannabis oil)?
“CBD oil, otherwise known as cannabis oil, is a concentrated cannabidiol (CBD) extract from a particular type of hemp plant called cannabis sativa that has more of the health related benefits associated with cannabis,” Chief Operating Officer of Bod Australia and cannabis oil expert Craig Weller told Mamamia.
“The oil comes from the flowers, the leaf and a little bit from the stalk of the plant – the key is not to confuse CBD oil with hemp seed oil, which is still from the cannabis plant, but comes from the plant’s seeds and doesn’t have any of the medicinal benefits that cannabis oil has.”
Top Comments
I would compare it to Alcohol it can be enjoyable and good for your health but if over done then like alcohol it could wind up being too much of a good thing I really don't know it's just a thought, Instead of fighting this why not find out about it for the good of all.
Yes cannabis should be legal for personal use. This legislation is way overdue and will free up much needed funding for more important social issues such as hospitals, health, affordable housing, farmers, bushfire victims, the list is endless. I guess the private jails will suffer so the government will need to pass a new criminal law to compensate to keep the jails financial. Average citizens having their lives ruined and given a criminal record for using a sacred plant to keep good health and heal illnessmis criminal, The system is broken and needs fixing. Let’s start with this.