The cold weather seems to roll around quicker every single year. Our coats get pulled out of their vacuum storage bags, the emergency umbrella gets stowed into our handbag and, more importantly, the extra doona (or the electric blanket) comes out of its spot, squirreled away at the back of the linen cupboard.
In fact, if you've been freezing your absolute butt off lately, that's probably because Australia truly is exceptionally cold right now. Thanks to clear skies and icy winds on Sunday morning, some parts of the country faced their coldest temps of the year, and our teeth are chattering just thinking about it.
But according to some, where we feel the cold most of all isn't while walking home at night, or when the rain is pounding outside — it's inside our homes.
And thanks to a viral TikTok video by a Canadian living in Australia, we now know that it actually really truly is much colder inside than it is out.
Nope, Australians are not being dramatic when they say the homes Down Under are freezing in the winter. In fact, according to sustainability author, consultant, speaker and UN advisor John Pabon, Aussie homes are among some of the coldest in the world.
It all began when content creator Alexandra Tuohey, who lives in Victoria, said that the coldest she's ever been is "living in a Melbourne share house in the middle of July".
Watch the full video here. Post continues below.
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