I hate kids.
There. I said it. And God… it feels good.
I’m positively pooped from acting as though my biological clock aches with every small face I see. Of the inevitable pressure to fake-coo and make a fuss over every spit bubble and murmur of monosyllables; grinning through gritted teeth as a baby is thrust into my arms with the expectation I’ll enwrap it in maternal love.
Why must people persist with the idea that, because I’m in possession of a uterus, I’m simply overflowing with a nurturing instinct that compels me to clutch at every chubby little arm I see, and gush in a rush of oxytocin-induced euphoria at each cry or giggle?
And why is it I constantly feel cornered into talking in a sing-song voice and awkwardly accepting a contrived cuddle when a friend shows up with a little person in tow, rather than following instinct and saying “Thanks, but no thanks”, for fear of being branded “cold”, “selfish” and “heartless”?
Is there no in between?
I like being an adult. And doing adult things. With other adults.
I don’t like Windexing sticky handprints off my Noguchi coffee table. Or having to maintain a peripheral to ensure curious feet aren’t climbing where they shouldn’t. Or holding conversations that revolve around cartoons and lollies.
I hate it.
Top Comments
My wife and I live in the "quintessential" suburban landscape, and we absolutely hate it. Kids sprawling everywhere pisses us off. We can't wait to move where we can buy property that's well-away from basketball hoops, the blood-curdling screams of children playing, etc. I definitely have what one would classify as misopedia, or an intense hatred of children.
Even when I was one I never liked them either.
Just because I "hate" them doesn't mean I want bad things to happen to them though.
Doesn't devalue them as people or anything like that either.
Just means that I don't want to be around them and I don't have any parental instinct driving me to have my own.
Both me and my wife are happily married, genetic dead ends and we're perfectly content with the reality that we will grow old and die without offspring.
Been married for 48 yrs, childfree by choice, and no regrets. I look friends, and all of the probs they have had over the yrs, with their kids, now grandkids, kids moving back home, kids needing financial help, the cost of college. No thanks, we are expats, planned for our great retirement ,and enjoying ourselves tremendously.