In 2023, there's one thing that's become alarmingly apparent: No one knows how to behave anymore.
And it's not our fault. After all, we were locked inside for basically two years. Isolated. Spending a lot of time online wearing stained trackies and watching celebrities make TikToks.
So, in a bid to help remind us all how to behave like polite human beings, we're taking a leaf out of New York Magazine's viral guide to existing in modern society and sharing some new rules.
In the Modern Etiquette series, Mamamia asks people in different fields to share their hard-line dos and don'ts, according to their expertise.
And now it is the teachers' turn.
We asked primary and high school educators to tell us all the things that parents do that get on their nerves. And they didn't hold back.
So listen up, parents – here's a list of everything teachers want to you to kindly stop doing.
1. Talking about teachers and schools online.
"I’m a teacher and a mum. I’m in a Facebook group for the parents in my child’s class. I hate that these groups are used to talk about teachers, their decisions, their teaching or the school in a ‘private’ space behind their back. This group creates polls about behaviour management techniques, or the reading program, for parents to vote on so that a parent can go to the teacher and say 'everyone thinks this'. It really bothers me. I think if you have a concern about something, speak to the teacher, don’t go gathering an army of parents for every little thing. Teachers are doing the best they can (mostly) and deserve the respect of being treated like professionals and not gossiped about." - Clare.
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