For the past seven years my husband and I have had sex every single day.
It’s been almost seven years since my husband and I made the sex pact.
It was my idea. No, really, it was my idea. And there is no doubt in my mind that our sex pact saved our marriage.
When we met, we had sex a lot, in lots of different ways; sometimes more than twice a day. We managed to keep up a rather healthy sex life until the last few weeks before I gave birth to our first child. Those last few weeks of pregnancy and first few weeks of parenthood was the longest we’d ever gone without.
We got back to it as soon as I got the ‘all clear’ from the doctor but for me, it just wasn’t the same.
I felt fat and tired and having sex quickly became something I was just too exhausted for.
My husband did his best to be understanding but by the time my son turned two, we were still struggling. His libido was as healthy as ever and mine just… wasn’t.
I accepted our mis-matched libidos as a normal part of a long-term relationship. It’s just what happens, right? That’s what we’re taught in movies and TV shows and from couples we know. Men are always pestering their partners for sex and we are always faking headaches and slapping them away, giving in from time to time just to shut them up.
Except, it was worse than that.
Top Comments
Ummm... no disrespect but my fiancé penis is too big for him to be pounding me every night my vagina would get swollen.
Interesting! And, it has worked for us. My libido has dropped as I turn 50. I don't care if I have an orgasm every time. Been married 30 years. I explained to him I didn't need full blown sex often so don't worry if I have an orgasm, a quickie is fine. He gets all the sex he wants and we never argue over sex. We are best friends. Get some lube have sex for 5-10 minutes and get some sleep.
If your married, love your partner, I just don't understand why something that can be done so quickly and easily is allowed to be an issue of contention. I can't even recall the last argument we've had.
However, before I explained to him that it was ok with me for him to just worry about himself, we still had sex but it took much longer as he always made sure I came first. Point is we could spend and hour doing something I am indifferent about or get the lube out and I am asleep in 10 minutes and he's satisfied. Everyone's content and happy and I get enough sleep for work the next day.