There’s a lot out there right now about mums shopping on a $50 budget.
Some are doing it because they have no choice and others are trying to save money. I have no doubt it takes effort, willpower and dedication, but let’s be real, if you’re anything like me, you walk into the shops and it ends in one of two ways.
The first way is I take in my shopping list, ignore it, and become the proud owner of aisles four, five, and six. I spot something on sale and throw five packs into the trolley, grab what’s on clearance, and change my whole week of meal plans to suit my new bargains.
There are two types of mums when it comes to the school list. Post continues below.
The second way is I forget my shopping list and play “was it on the list” as I walk from aisle to aisle, which still ends with me becoming the proud owner of aisles four, five, and six. I still throw five packs per sale item into my trolley, grab what’s on clearance, and change my whole week of meal plans to suit my new bargains.
The only difference is I get to play hit or miss when I get home and mark off my original list. A pathetically satisfying adrenaline rush leaving me wondering what my life has become.
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I’m so happy to read this - I do all these things, (Even the not buying cheap clothes thing) except I’m shopping each day because my little guy keeps the trips short. Can’t do online because then I think I need everything and spend way too much and take way too long.
We've been using a home delivery food service for the last couple of years. Not sure if I can name it, but it's one of those ones where they deliver a box of ingredients and recipe cards once/week. We get 4-5 meals/week depending, so we still have to do some grocery shopping, but shopping for 2 or 3 meals, plus household items, is so much easier than shopping for a full week.
It's not that expensive for 2 adults (no kids) but the time saved in arguing about what's for dinner, plus shopping, more than makes up for the expense. The meals are a good size, there's a great variety, and the produce is generally of a high quality.
I've also found that my cooking skill has increased from cooking new things that I wouldn't normally think of buying for myself.