Step back Chanel. Jog on Hermès. There's a new fancy handbag on the market that has everyone talking.
But there's a small catch... It's microscopic.
The 'Microscopic Handbag' by MSCHF which has a Louis Vuitton print is making waves online, particularly after it was revealed the bag sold for over $60,000.
"Narrow enough to pass through the eye of a needle, this is a purse so small you'll need a microscope to see it," said MSCHF, the art collective behind the bag. And in case you would like another comparison – the bag is actually smaller than a grain of sea salt, measuring at 657 x 222 x 700 micrometres.
Watch: Fashion crimes, aka, festival chaps. Post continues below.
Interestingly, MSCHF said their microscopic bag was created for musician Pharrell Williams because "he loves big hats", so they decided to make him "an incredibly small bag". Celebrities are odd.
Amid this story going viral online, I have some serious questions.
1. Our first question is why?
I would seriously love to know what makes someone decide to make a bag smaller than a grain of sea salt.
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