I have a bone to pick with the great maternity leave myth. The myth that new mums will be spending our days having coffee with girlfriends, being cultured at mums and bubs movie screenings and enjoying all the cute baby cuddles while wearing designer activewear and feeling blissfully happy.
I bought the myth hook, line and sinker, and was truly shocked when the harsh reality of life with a newborn slapped me in my sleep deprived face.
A year ago, I sashayed away from my well paid, corporate marketing role into maternity leave with a smug smile on my face. The dream was about to begin! No more 9-5, no more commute, no more repetitive report writing or weekly team meetings, no more office politics or awkward colleagues.
Watch: The horoscopes as new mums. Post continues below.
Bring on the freedom of deciding what I wanted to do each day, wearing activewear while pushing my pram around the park in the sunshine, seeing friends for coffees and playdates while bub slept peacefully in my arms.
That’s what maternity leave is like, isn’t it?
And the funny thing is, it sort of is what maternity leave is like. My maternity leave was full of coffee dates with friends. It was full of playdates. It was full of activewear and pram walks.
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