Manspreading. It’s everywhere. On the bus. On planes. Probably even in your own home. And it’s got to stop.
Even if you haven’t heard the word ‘manspreading’, there is a good chance you’ve seen it in real life.
Men love a good spread. We don’t mean piles of jatz and dip with cheese and kabana. We don’t mean crunchy peanut butter or Nutella.
On the train. On the bus. On the couch at home. Where there is a man on a chair, there is spread.
Lower limbs. Upper limbs, no regard for passersby or the seating needs of others. Spread out like the world is their day spa.
So we have to ask: What is it all about, dudes?
Do your balls need more air?
Is your peen so assertive that it demands its own seat?
Are your bums too small to cushion your mighty testicles?
Whether it’s a mating display or a design flaw, we have two words for you: Stop. It.
This display of male entitlement has kept bloggers busy, creating tumblrs like men taking up too much space on the train and saving room for cats, which feature gobsmacking amounts of crotch shots of open legged men.
Manspreading has become such a problem it made the front page of the New York Times, where it was announced that the New York subway is rolling out a courtesy campaign target man-spreaders.
And some of the most insightful exploration of the phenomenon comes from writer Gaby Moss who decided she would slouch out too and see what all the fuss was about.
Top Comments
Every time a man hears about the sexist manspreading or mansplaining insults they instantly become anti-feminist. You cannot understand how bad this is for the movement. This kind of extreme male bashing is already backfiring, just look for feminism in youtube...
Women can invent, build, maintain and operate their own mass transit system if they don't like the patriarchal rape train.