Of all the famous names to have worked with accused sexual predator, R Kelly, only a tiny handful have come forward to express their regret. John Legend. Chance the Rapper. And now Lady Gaga.
After criticism mounted about the singer’s decision to stay silent on the issue, on Thursday she finally spoke up, apologising for a 2013 collaboration with the RnB star, who is facing allegations that he committed multiple acts of sexual abuse, some against underage girls. The claims have been aired via the six-part documentary series Surviving R Kelly, in which several women reported being beaten, sexually assaulted and imprisoned by Kelly.
In a statement, Gaga described the allegations against the 52-year-old as “horrifying and indefensible” and promised fans their song, ‘Do What U Want (With My Body)’, would be removed from streaming services.
Top Comments
He's crouched over her like he's going to do a p00
Will there be an article about the mini series covering the allegations against R Kelly or just an article when someone this site is a fan of denounces him?
Gaga's apology is a joke and just there to provide damage control for her Oscar campaign.
I don't feel one way or the other about her statement. More that it's odd that there's been multiple articles covering people MM like appearing on a docu-series about the allegations against R.Kelly, but not an article about the allegations or the docu-series itself.
I've just finished watching the docu-series. Whilst it's a little sensational in its production, the subject material is disturbing and fairly damning, to say the least. The most interesting discussion it broaches is how he's seemingly gotten away with so much, in plain sight, for decades. As someone who's been aware of the rumours for as long, I still found the descriptions of the very extent of his behaviour shocking - it just goes to show what money can buy. Many of the people interviewed make a very salient point too; if these allegations involved the assault and coercion of white girls, I daresay the outcome would be totally different.
I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but yeah, the allegations have been circulating forever. Much like Cosby.
And as much as I'd like it not to be true, I think the interviewee's point is pretty on the money.