When it comes to job interviews, we pour over every detail available – our resumes, cover letters, and of course most importantly, what to say during the hiring process.
Not to mention, the effort we go to ask the right questions, so we can impress the future employer.
But have you ever wondered what not to say in a job interview?
Because according to some of the many business executives and managers we've spoken to, there are a few key things to steer clear from. According to research, three of the key reasonings behind job rejections are the following:
1. A lack of relevant professional experience.
2. Candidates not displaying enough knowledge about the company they are interviewing with.
3. Candidates not realising their social media platforms are looked at carefully by the company they are interviewing with.
Watch MM Confessions: Our job interview horror stories. Post continues below.
With this in mind, we asked some bosses and business owners in Australia to share with us what their biggest turn-off is during a job interview.
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