Tick tock, tick tock. The metaphorical clock in my mind seems to be getting louder as the time to make my very important decision is growing closer and closer.
This significant life question that I have managed to avoid even having to contemplate, until now, is just around the corner.
The research has been done, the pros and cons put out on the table for all to see and with little procrastination time left a decision must be made.
*deep breath*
To ‘Trick or Treat’…. that is the question:
Pro: It can teach children to interact with their community.
Living individual and separate lives is pretty common these days. We go to work or school, do specific activities and then come home. Often getting out into our neighbourhood and interacting with our community, or even our neighbours is something that is often left on the way side.
On a side note does anyone actually know their neighbours anymore? It is also something that is inherent within trick or treating so it can be a good way to introduce kids to your local community as you venture to different places and have them interact with new people.
Con: The Halloween Grinches.
Not everyone gets in the spirit of Halloween, especially here in Australia where the event is really only just taking off. Sometimes people are not ‘treat prepared’ and may not be welcoming of the little monsters clawing at their doors.
Top Comments
I've told my kids that Halloween is cultural appropriation and it's insulting and just not on.
I made this resolution last year, after I saw kids in pumpkinface.
Yeah, faces all orange, weird growth out the top of their head. They could really offend Republicans appropriating their leaders culture like that ;)
Definitely my concern. Republicans face a lot of adversity.
Especially these days, what with people calling the cops on them for doing everyday things while Republican.
Gutting social security while Republican. Removing the safety net while Republican. Arms profiteering while Republican.
Normal, everyday, Republican things to do and ignorant people call the cops out of fear. Must members of that 'Leftie Lynch Mob' I've heard so much about. For shame.
This is exactly why I always have Bertie Botts Every Flavour beans on hand this time of year - it teaches the benefit of risks vs rewards.