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gu3st July 25, 2024

While I welcome Harris' candidacy, I can remember some gaffes and feel that it's a pity that American voters don't have a candidate for whom they're saying more than just, "relative to Trump/Biden, she's...", which is kind of the gist of this article. 

It would be more desireable for the world's peacekeeper and democracy's (erstwhile) torchbearer to have candidates whose merit is greater than being the best out of a very bad bunch, or a hastily proffered alternative to gerontocracy, be it a benign but befuddled Biden version or the malignancy of a Trump regime.

All that said, here's hoping that Harris ends up in the WH.

gu3st July 23, 2024

Look, fine, but I'm personally sticking to a 'hot girl' summer.

gu3st July 22, 2024

OK, I'll kick off.

Looxury! We used to live in one room, 26 of us. No furniture. Half the floor were missing and we were all 'uddled in one corner.

gu3st July 22, 2024

That toothpick, that feed, could not be more affected and it bugs me more than it should.

gu3st July 22, 2024

@snorks I, unfortunately, agree. 

gu3st July 18, 2024

Trump's trying to soften his image with all the US women whose reproductive rights were stolen  by his stacked court. I, for one, wouldn't be staking my granddaughter out for sacrifice in this febrile environment. 

gu3st July 18, 2024

If Mum's anything to go by, the kids are making mud pies in little tailored Armani suits.

gu3st July 16, 2024

@snorks Firstly, a conversation is bilateral and fluid, there isn't a rule where one participant gets to set its boundaries. Secondly, my points aren't particularly off-piste. 

So, you've got a book of instructions with a guy wearing glasses reading it and then whispering the instructions big burly dude  and acting on the instructions. Glasses guy is whispering the instructions faithfully and big dude walks around the premises and effects the instructions sensibly and to the the letter of the book. Then glasses guy gets replaced, with more of an ad-libber whi tells big guy to guard him while he robs the place and they proceed to do so. The syntax in the book of instructions hasn't changed one iota, only the interpreter, leading to a drastically different outcome. Which therefore matters more to outcome, that the letters are immutable,  or their interpretation is dynamic?

gu3st July 14, 2024

@snorks Do you more mean that you can't address my points?  Nor do you have some sort of special insight in to presidential acts of dodginess. 

Let's just deal with the dodgy acts that are known, Trump being well out in front, facing indictments and already convicted and thus, the prime beneficiary of shifting consitutional law set down by a captured institution.

gu3st July 10, 2024

@snorks Semantics. Same same. Jan 6 was a repudiation of orderly transition of power, an attempt to flout the electoral results by perverting the constitutional powers of the VP. A Trump government is an unprecedentedly unique threat to US democratic insitutions and democracy, having been awarded this immunity.

What's more important, changing the letter, or changing the effect? Clarence Thomas' wife was heavily involved in egging on Jan 6, common values equals influence and protection. Two justices with slender qualfications for the SCOTUS owe Trump and the GoP and are acting accordingly. Clarence Thomas received numerous, valuable and   undeclared benefits from GoPs donors and despite being seated at the highest court in the US, has emerged pretty much unscathed.

The changes only benefit a President engaged in dodgy or criminal acts in office. Despite a lot of noise around his son, who has been convicted, Biden has yet to do anything dodgy in office that has come to light. Trump's acts range from electoral interference, emolument, nepotism, obstructing justice right through to sedition, over only one which has he been taken to account. Trump's child and son-in-law knowingly met an associate of Russian intelligence and escaped scot free. This SCOTUS finding may unravel his convictions and  likely will undo some of his indictments. It was a case that Trump brought to the SCOTUS and the benefits of the finding are tailor made for him.


gu3st July 10, 2024

If you look at Joe Rogan, young vs old, his face has broadened in a similar way, I'd suggest that it's well within the realms of possibility that HGH induced the change. Maybe also in combination with rehab for a chin accident.

gu3st July 9, 2024

Kenya adds 9 million kids to its population each year; exploading population growth is a problem which with they're wrestling and they're losing natural habitat to ever expanding agriculture and urban growth. Part of the problem - polygamy was legitimied/enshrined in Kenyan law in 2014. 

When visiting there, a Kenyan told me that women were bribed to allow polygamy, which the majority don't like, by concessions to increase of the number of female legislators in their parliament.

With these stats, I'm surprised to hear that there is a high demand for donated sperm.

gu3st July 9, 2024

@draculasgirlfriend Yep. A concerted push to turn the US into a theocracy, with the tentacles of amoral big business apparent. They want to pray the gay, regulation and tax away. 

The one wan ray of hope is that Trump hasn't committed to executing on all of them. My guess is, he'll happily bin any environmental and fiduciary regulation and dismember US taxation for the big end of town, but will execute on the theocratic moral panic stuff only to the point that he keeps his rabid evangelistic base on side.

Trump keeps his promises to his major donors, and is less concerned about general promises to his voter base, like "The Wall".

We need Biden to heed the Bader Ginsburg example - the ramifications of a paroxysm of personal entitlement and ego can easily outweigh a lifetime's legacy of good works.

gu3st July 7, 2024

@snorks Trump holds undue sway over the Supreme Court, because it was stacked by him. The SCOTUS chooses how the Constitution is interpreted and just awarded the President immunity from prosecution due to official acts in office. Trump is using that to try to escape his current convictions and his indictments. If Trump gains power, he will not hesitate to use this umbrella to do whatever benefits him and his cronies.  Trump has form and now, he has  cover.

Why are you scoffing and saying Trump has no influence over the Constitution when its judicial interpretation is shifting for his benefit right in front of us, right now?

gu3st July 7, 2024

Two 'pious' pariahs under a pile-on.

gu3st July 4, 2024

Say what you like about this guy, he's got a lotta spunk.

To pull it off, that is.

gu3st July 4, 2024

Am we allowed to be surprised that cheerleading was a career choice for a same sex attracted woman?

Because, TBH, I am.

gu3st July 4, 2024

Celebrities poop too. So explosively relatable.

I mean, if you spell 'Goop' backwards.

gu3st July 3, 2024

Right? My DMs are just getting SER-MASHED by unsolicited feet pics.

June 25, 2024

She found a man in finance...well, to finance.