Fact: Every person with hair on this earth will go grey at some point in their life. It’s just one of those fun physiological things that happen to our bodies as we age.
But in 2020, salt and pepper hair or a full head of grey is also a growing hair trend.
As an ‘eff you’ to conventional beauty standards, if you will, Pinterest searches for ‘going grey’ have increased a whopping 879 per cent in the last year. You also only have to search ‘greyhairdontcare’ on Instagram to see there’s a growing community of women (and some men) embracing their natural hair colour and texture.
Side note – here’s what your hairdresser really means when they ask how often you’ve been heat styling your hair, among other things, in our hairdressers translated video below. Post continues after video.
It’s wonderful and empowering and we’re all for it, but before putting down the at-home dye and root retoucher, you might ask: How… does one actually go grey?
Whether you’re blonde or brunette and can’t be bothered dealing with covering up weekly regrowth, are feeling like letting a few greys come through, or want to go completely grey, here’s exactly how to do it. Because if a man can rock salt and pepper hair, we sure as heck can too!
Top Comments
I'm sorry but I don't see the appeal of looking way older than you are. I'm 41, dye my hair blonde, (I'm a natural brunette) and haven't gone gray yet. Thank God! I'm not looking forward to it either. I want to attempt to look younger not older.