If you’re a seasoned dater, you’ll know that first dates don’t always exactly go to plan.
From being ghosted on the first date to arguments over splitting the bill, everyone has a first-date-from-hell story.
But for one woman, her first-date-from-hell story came back to haunt her. Three whole months later.
When Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford went on a date with a man she met on Tinder, things initially started off well.
Before long, however, the date took a turn for the worse.
Speaking to LadBible, the UK woman explained that things quickly got awkward when her date suggested places for her to shop before their next date and even suggested she consider plastic surgery.
Yep, we’re really not surprised there wasn’t a second date…
To make matters even worse, the 24-year-old actually heard from her first-date-from-hell once again – a whole three months after they met.
“Hello Kimberely, I know we went on a date quite a while ago now but I’d like to explain why I haven’t messaged you,” the man’s message to Kimberley read.
“I feel like you could have made the date much better,” he continued.
What followed was a “disgusting” list detailing the 15 reasons why the man hadn’t been in contact with Kimberley.
Top Comments
This displays quite alarming behaviour from a man - narcissistic ? Sociopathic? A normal kind of bloke just doesn’t do this kind of thing. I would be staying well clear which I hope she did.
Calling it- either this guy is trolling or this is 100% fake. I can believe he might have said this on the date but no chance he told her this 3 months later. And that spelling and grammar is way too good
Something similar happened to my sister. She got a long list of her defects by an asshole she was dating. She didn’t respond. He keeps sending her ‘Hi, how are you?’ sms’s after 2 years. His ego can’t deal with the fact she saw what he was and barred him. He was well educated and there were no spelling mistakes in his defect list.