Until very recently Australia was experiencing an endless summer, with heatwaves across the country. It’s been sunny, it’s been humid, it’s…well…not at all Autumn… even though we are well into March.
Actually, it has felt a lot like this:
But Winter is coming. How will we know? There are omens…
1. Daylight savings ends.
Upside: You get back that extra hour of sleep that was stolen from you in October. (Bonus for people in Queensland: Fewer spoilers).
Downside: It’s dark when you wake up. It’s dark when you get home from work.
2. Choosing what to wear gets easier, because everything goes with black.
And you have to do less laundry because you sweat less and those mysterious stains simply don’t show.
3. You no longer have to lie about staying in all weekend and watching Netflix. Because *weather*.
We’ve all made up what we did on the weekend so that we don’t have to tell our friends and colleagues that we got unhealthily obsessed with a teen drama we found on Netflix and just had to watch all four seasons in a row. Come winter, we can legitimately say it was too cold to venture out and the only thing to do was snuggle up with a blanket and a hot chocolate and watch the telly.
4. Boots.
See you in September, toes.
5. You’d rather leave the house without your pants than leave without a Chapstick.
Sore, bleeding lips are a nightmare. Don’t take the risk: Always wear protection.
6. Cardigans. Hats. Scarves.
Fact: Everyone looks better in winter. There is a very small window in which you can wear a scarf and you need to take advantage of that glorious, glorious window.
7. Comfort food.
Say goodbye to the salad or sandwich you make because you can’t bear to turn on the oven, stove or microwave. Hello, slow-cooked everything, gravy, pies, gooey grilled cheese, soups, stew and roasts.
Top Comments
6. I wear a scarf about 10 months of the year!!
15. It snows where I live. Unfortunately not THAT kind of Snow ;)
I LOVE winter...bring it on!
So total gif-overload. But in a good way :)