Life with triplets. It’s busy. It’s harder than I’d ever imagined.
It’s three times the nappies, the washing, the cooking, the nurturing; it is three times the tantrums and three varied sleep patterns. There is no time to ‘rest when they’re sleeping’ or the wheels fall off pretty much straight after a nap. But it’s three times the love, three times the laughter and three times the hugs. So you go on, unkempt eyebrows and all.
After a natural and unexpected, yet welcome, pregnancy, I learned everything on the run. It took a while to truly believe I could raise three babies at once, especially as they were my first. But once they were born, my heart exploded with love and I managed, day by (looong) day.
A year and a half of clinging loosely to routine and staring at the same walls without falling into a heap had me dreaming of sipping piña coladas on pristine beaches under warm skies. When $400 return flights to Hawaii popped up in my news feed, I booked a family holiday before I could even say ‘toddler triplets’.
Hmmm. My babies would be almost two and there were three of them.
Top Comments
Those bags with the baby seats are pretty cool!
I don't expect parents to stay away from planes until their kids are school-aged, but taking young toddlers on a 20hr flight is pretty selfish if the reason is just for a little holiday. Not only does it cause disturbance to other passengers who are trying to rest and sleep, but it's also a very uncomfortable experience to put babies through - especially if they were sick at the time. Why not take a holiday to somewhere closer? There are so many beautiful beaches in this country you could have a wonderful relaxing time at, and no long haul flight to worry about.
I suppose it depends on how you look it... “selfish, uncomfortable, disturbance” as opposed to an early beginning for the love for overseas travel & amazing experiences! How lucky these toddlers were to have such strong parents to offer their children an amazing trip so they don’t miss on opportunities just because there are 3 of them!! The flight is never the highlight of any trip, & a holiday destination is an individual choice, even if we have beautiful beaches at our back door! Well done to this family & their efforts!! I’m sure the positives that came out of this trip will be remembered for a lifetime!!