Back in my single wild days, I was a very sexually active and adventurous young woman. I had my fun with my girl roommates, one-night stands, and the cute guy across the hall.
Drunk, high, and everything in between, I always remembered to ask my new partners if they were clean and when was the last time they were tested. It was my way of keeping myself safe while sleeping with strangers.
But this method wasn’t foolproof.
Watch: Samantha X shares her top tips for having better sex. Post continues below.
These bills of health were purely verbal, so I was taking the chance that my sexual partners would lie. I was taking the chance that I was so drunk when we had sex, I’d forget their answer by the next morning.
So as back up, I insisted my partners wore protection.
And then the one thing I had been trying to avoid happened.
I caught an STI.
And I realised I was completely unprepared for the awkward phone calls that I had to make.
I was a responsible sexually active woman, and as awkward and painful as these phone calls would be, if someone I had sex with had contracted something, I’d want them to pick up the phone and let me know.
Top Comments
this is great and all but what if the sti isn't curable, like herpes or HPV? the conversation is a lot more awkward then
I'm pretty sure HPV goes away by itself. Most strains of it anyway.
This is great and all but what if your STI isn't curable? The conversation is much more awkward then.