User Comments

os June 7, 2023

I don’t have an issue with crying babies. Babies cry. I do have an issue with misbehaving children when the parents don’t do anything to stop the behaviour. I sat on a 9 hour flight next to a young girl who was so obnoxious and continually touched my things and the food I was served as well as rip my headphones off and kick me when I didn’t give her attention. and the mother didn’t do anything. She just read a book listening to music . I wish I could have read my book in peace 

os May 19, 2023

I’m amazed at the meanness in the comments here. Why isn’t there more outrage that this has happened? Yes, we are jaded, but that’s dangerous. And she is a single mother, how is it manipulative to state that truth? So only poor and downtrodden single mothers should receive compassion? Funny, when I was a solo mum a long time ago, downtrodden and a bit broken, there was no sympathy as I was a ‘welfare’ cheat etc.. women should never tread on other women

os May 5, 2023

Firstly, I’m so sorry people treated you this way, it’s awful. But, in my view they were never your friends and don’t deserve the honour of being called that. I’m hoping that you are learning that we are loved the way we believe we deserve to be loved. And you deserve so much better.

os April 16, 2023

So devastating and senseless. My son is just finishing his paramedic training doing prac and some of his experiences are shocking but he is so dedicated to his service. I’m a proud and worried mother. May you rest in peace Steven, lots of love and heart felt wishes to your family ♥️

os April 11, 2023

Well, if it happened in such a public way, you can only imagine (I actually don’t want to) what is happening behind closed doors. I’m not surprised at all by this. Same story of a man in power that is beyond reproach doing whatever he wants and then having his disgusting behaviour excused for being playful. I shudder to think how many children went through these experiences with him. 

os March 26, 2023

@katekendall56 are you serious? You don’t want to read/ hear this, don’t read it? Why comment? Truly gross behaviour and very judgemental 

os March 21, 2023

While I support and encourage people to always check their boundaries and realign, part of it must be self reflection and accountability. I get the feeling that I’m this situation, there’s a lot of projection. It might have been her reality and how she felt, but she participated as well, I’d encourage her to reflect on what she contributed to the situation. I think ghosting is so cowardly and if you write a letter, especially to a person who’s been there for you for 10 years, give them an opportunity to respond, it doesn’t need to be a big conversation, but it’s an opportunity not to burn bridges (yes, sometimes those bridges must be incinerated, but I don’t think so in this case). When you ghost someone, you leave them with a lot of unanswered questions and an energetic tether, and that’s something that in the long run, also impacts you..

os February 2, 2023

I’ve not seen or been in contact with my father since I was 17 as he was abusive. I’m now, 48 and am slowly distancing from my mother. I realised her inability to show care and kindness was having a detrimental impact on my life. She is the quintessential victim and I’m tired.. it’s time. It hurts that it got to be this way but I love me more that my need of her love 

os January 9, 2023

I really wish for a day where people can express their feelings, be it a celebrity or a normal person without the fear of ridicule. While I can see that this possibly my is not the best way to go about it, we forget that this man went through a terrible tragedy, was paraded all his life to the public and from his perspective, was offered no emotional or spiritual support. What would it take? Him hurting himself? Is that when your need to ridicule a person will end? Is that when you’ll write a ‘heartfelt’ post about reaching out and you’re not alone? Why not take the opportunity now to be that person that reaches out, albeit through a post? He is literally lifting the lead that we all so wanted to be lifted and now you’re going for his throat.. how sad our world is, people forgot how to behave and be kind