Saying the expulsion is not the answer is shortsighted. It’s not going to solve the systemic problems, but it will set examples and precedent for future behaviour. Looking the other way or saying ‘boys will be boys’ is a major part of this problem. I commend the school for taking a stand if no tolerance. Enough is enough
Your recaps are fantastic Chelsea! And totally agree on all points about Dan. If compatibility was seriously his problem, then wouldn’t it have been an issue from the beginning? And if so, at what point did he think sleeping with her was not going to make the situation worse..?
Thank you for sharing! Totally agree, a ghosted friendship is so much harder than you think. And to not be provided the curtesy of an explanation makes it feel more aggressive and intentional. I hope you get the closure you are seeking someday x
You have articulated everything I’m feeling so beautifully… thank you 🙌🏼