User Comments

hopey April 30, 2024

@rellis86 I think a lot of guys don't realise that the conversation starts very granular. It's not actually a conversation about "you shouldn't hit your girlfriend mate", it's a conversation about the sexist joke your mate just told, or a work colleague that whispers "check out the rack on the new girl" etc... It's speaking up in those moments and saying, "that joke's not funny, you need to respect women" and "pull your head in mate, talk about her work, not her body". Obviously some will then respond with "it's just a joke" or "lighten up" and that's then the segue for your guy to say "actually jokes like that add to society's disrespect for women, and that's not ok in my book". 

hopey April 23, 2024

Men charged with violence offences against women should not get bail. Period. Why is their freedom more important that women's safety. I hope the registrar that gave that animal bail is disbarred. I can't believe they thought a piece of paper and a $5000 surety would keep her safe from someone alleged to have raped her three times. 

hopey April 5, 2024

Love a lot of your outfits, but you need to iron them!

hopey March 24, 2024

Clearly this is a man who likes to be in control and for that reason I plead with you to ignore this part of the advice "It's bluster. Bully-dust. Meritless and downright repulsive." While the courts would definitely side with you in 50-50 (or more) custody, do not, for a second, think that would not result in another form of retaliation to hurt you (I'm talking Hannah Clarke here). Seek legal advice of your own. Squirrel away money in your own bank account that he doesn't know about. Bit by bit. Plan your escape carefully. Then go and don''t look back. 

hopey March 24, 2024

Beyonce's new country song is ugh! Screams of desperately trying to win a Grammy for best album, but it's just not her and it shows. I've only heard it on the radio in the car and won't be adding it to any playlists, that's for sure.

hopey March 8, 2024

This whole thing is rubbish. Tall poppy syndrome. If what she said was really that bad she would have been charged at the time. Not a year later, via post. Police officer needs a cup of concrete.

hopey February 28, 2024

You should always have a plan b (ie backup finances etc) that your husband doesn't know about. 

hopey January 22, 2024

@Ms003 Sleep training doesn't just mean 'cry it out'. There are lots of different, safe, routine-based and calm options. 

hopey December 7, 2023

One thing many people don't realise is the baby in the womb is exposed to the same level of alcohol as the mum. Only they can't process the alcohol because their liver isn't fully developed. This means they have alcohol in their system for a lot longer than the mother. Then, when some is released into the amniotic fluid, the baby can often reconsume it. This can happen as many as six times before there is no alcoholic content left. So 'just one drink' is not just one drink for an unborn baby. 

hopey October 29, 2023

No, definitely do not tell them at interview stage. Even though they are not supposed to discriminate, many companies still will not hire pregnant women. To that end, I would not tell them during your first three months either or you may find your probation period ends suddenly. I believe your only obligation, under law, is to tell them 10 weeks prior to starting maternity leave. I know women that work up until a week before their due date. Others a month before. I personally told my employer at 22 weeks. I wanted to get through that 20 week scan first, but everyone is different. 

hopey October 28, 2023

@snorks No, what I'm saying is that if you 'other' them or say things like they're a 'monster' or 'pure evil' then it's implied that there are characteristics that are inherently bad and that they simply have and can't be changed. While I believe they're all normal men and there are learnt behaviours and characteristics that develop over time and thus can be changed along the way. So please don't tell me I'm wrong. This is my view and its disrespectful of you to tell me I'm wrong. You can say you don't agree, but don't tell someone their view is wrong. Thanks so much. 

hopey October 27, 2023

@ray s Yes, they are ordinary men Ray. To 'other' them implies that nothing can be done about how men treat women in Australian society. Note that because Holly is saying they are ordinary men, does not mean she's saying it's every man. So stop getting your nose out of joint thinking 'but I'm not bad' and start thinking about how you can help this situation. It starts with ALL of us banding together to call out entitled, toxic, misogynistic behaviour. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

hopey October 14, 2023

@maggiec Exactly. Not guilty does not mean innocent. They are very different. Plus, the judge in the case made a point of saying the not guilty verdict was only because she had to apply the rule of law that existed at the time of the offences and that had the law as it stands today been applied then the outcome would have likely been very different. 

hopey October 12, 2023

We'd seen this happen with friends of ours so my husband and I had all of these talks and came up with a plan before having a baby. I also had my own business but I was fortunate to be able to take 3 full months away. But we pre-planned things like bottle feeding rather than breast feeding so we could share feeds, even at night, and it wasn't all lumped on one person. We didn't allow visitors for 2 weeks so that we could work out 'our' routines and processes without well meaning, but often not helpful advice. This was especially important for my husband gaining his confidence as a dad and so he could do everything I could, without anyone additional to tell him he's doing it wrong. We were able to fold the nappies incorrectly together! He also pre warned his employers that spur of the moment over-time was off the table and any extra hours had to be pre-arranged. And from 6 months old we used a nanny once per week for a full day so I could refresh and recharge. Some days I'd even got to the cafe across from my husbands work so we could have a meal together alone. Our ways won't work for everyone, and we copped a bit of flack for some of them, especially the bottle and no visitors, but we wouldn't change anything. 

hopey September 20, 2023

Exactly Holly. Also, these men are usually totally different with their wives compared to other women. 

hopey September 6, 2023

Wow. I could have written this. I just opened a private bank account last week.

hopey August 31, 2023

@myopinion I fully agree. I'm also cautious about believing anything Albanese says about the Voice. After all, he said the Uluru statement from the heart was a one page document and it's actually 26, with a very clear agenda. I think the idea behind the voice is admirable, but its application (what we know of it it) is sorely lacking. 

hopey July 25, 2023

@mamamia-user-482898552 Marrying didn't make these women relevant, they made themselves relevant. I followed Nadia and her Chronicles of Nadia fashion blog when she was Nadia Coppolino and then she turned that into her influencing/branding business before she was married. 

hopey July 21, 2023

I have to disagree. You don't have to like his friends or see them - especially with their elitist, misogynistic attitudes. You can't change who your partner is friends with, and nor should you try to, but you don't have to force yourself into uncomfortable and unenjoyable social situations to please him. Just as you should understand that he wants a relationship with these people and will see them, he needs to understand that you don't like them and don't have to see them. It's totally ok to have separate friends. 

hopey May 15, 2023

@laurenella I think it's important that Lifeline volunteers are given extensive training given the very serious subject matter they will be dealing with and providing advice on. I'd hate for someone to ring up and get someone not properly trained, who provided poor advice and who then potentially had a poor impact on someone in need of help. Also, that training is very expensive to provide, so a fee is needed. I would imagine such a fee would also help filter those who really want to volunteer from those doing it more on a whim. If you really want to volunteer but can't afford the fee for the training, I'm sure you could save it up over a number of weeks, months etc...