She has a point
How incredibly selfish. Destroying her family because she doesn’t have the guts to either work on her marriage or end it. I feel for the husband and children who are being betrayed by this poor excuse for a woman.
Everyone of the parents administering this poison should be charged with child abuse
Every person the children told silenced them. They are no better than the abuser 😥
I would be worried about his safety and any children if they have any. The guy deserves to know.
If she had a scan then this would have been avoided. If women are to choose a home birth and there are restrictions around what a midwife can do to ensure the safety of the mother and baby or babies then there as to be some testing so they know what they are dealing with.
Everyone has a choice in committing violence. He has no excuse for harming his wife or child and he should be doing more to help his mental health, including admissions to a facility if he is a danger to his family.
Funny how he can keep control of himself in the presence of others...
It took you spending $11000 in 3 months to realise you had a problem???? How much spare cash did you have????
Register for IVF with a request for a sperm donor and start again. Why drag him through that.?
I agree. It’s also a concern who can get a hold of those photos and what will happen to them. It won’t take much for someone to try to ruin her life.
She is just as vile as he is. Just because he didn’t physically touch them doesn’t mean he isn’t a contributor to the abuse of children. By downloading those videos he has bought a video of a child going through the worst of the worst. The maker of those videos are hurting children and wouldn’t be making money off of the children if others weren’t downloading them.
I can understand this. I remember how I felt after finding out I was having a boy. I bonded with my daughter straight away but struggled with my son. I was in a terrible DV marriage and felt this horrible gut wrenching fear that my boy would be the same. I cried for months after finding out. It was only after leaving the marriage and taking my child and baby to safety that we could bond. After that I was able to accept my beautiful boy. I wouldn’t change my children for the world.
When you see the photos she is a normal, healthy child that is also participating in sports. She would likely have gained some muscle too.
The nurse was just plain rude and ignorant.
He’s nothing more than a whinging old man. Not worth anyone’s time.
If you have them for the majority of the time and the other parent really has them for visits then it is the same
As single parenting. If that other person isn’t there to do any of the hard yards but just wants a few visits and credits then they are not coparenting. When you have your 50/50 conparenting then that’s a different story. You are sharing the responsibility of raising the kids.
Now do everyone a favour and delete anti vaccination morons from writing comments on your site.
The man is an idiot.
Your claim that it’s not wide spread, that the numbers aren’t as big as what they say.
Children have the right to say no and adults should listen
It was poor taste to tell the kids but to be fired and lose your income and livelihood over it is a bit of an overreaction