Are sex doll owners just lonely men seeking companionship and pursuing their hobbies?
My work in this field – including in my just released book Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating published by Spinifex Press – documents a far more disturbing reality. While sex doll advocates claim they will have many benefits – for men, that is – there is very little consideration of the harm to women and girls.
The growing trade in lifelike, replica women and girls marketed for men’s on-demand sexual use has serious, real-world consequences for all women and girls.
While you're here, watch Life In A Sex Doll Factory. Story continues below.
From women who have been devastated to learn of sex dolls made in their likeness, women whose husbands chose their sex doll over them, and child sex abuse dolls modelled on little girls, toddlers and infants, we have to ask who benefits from these products?
Setting aside the delusion that a man can have a ‘relationship’ with a female-shaped piece of silicone, we need to be honest about what these products are, and what they represent.
A sex doll made in the female form functions as a woman or girl as an object to be owned and used. One that is constantly sexually available, has no consciousness, no voice and no autonomy, that exists to be sexually penetrated, and can be packed away after the user is done.
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