Shame is such a powerful emotion.
It conjures up feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and guilt.
Of course a lot of the time, shame comes from an external force – whether it be a wider societal expectation or sometimes even an individual with a decent amount of judgement behind them. And there are not many other facets of life where shame is more apparent than in parenting.
Ask any parent if they've felt shamed by a fellow parent before and the answer will always be a resounding yes.
Because at the end of the day, parenting is incredibly subjective – and everyone has varying perspectives on how best to raise a little human.
Now imagine if you shared your experiences of parenting online, or were in the public eye. With the great big positives of having a community to engage with, it can also come with some downsides. Especially when someone feels the need to tell you, you're parenting wrong via a harshly-worded DM.
To unpack this topic a little further, Mamamia spoke with seven parents who have a profile – asking them what their experience of parent shaming has been and what they want you to know.
Watch: Parenting 101. Post continues below.
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