-With AAP.
1. “She is entitled to express her views.” Israel Folau has called on his supporters to stop trolling Magda Szubanski.
Former Wallaby Israel Folau has defended prominent gay rights activist Magda Szubanski after she launched a fundraising campaign that countered his.
Szubanski launched her ‘For Love’ campaign last week, bringing together leaders from a number of faiths and the LGBTQI community with an aim to raise $500,000 to be divided between the Children’s Council Foundation and Twenty10, which provides health, legal, and housing services to people of diverse sexualities and gender identities.
The campaign has made her the target of online abuse and on Saturday, journalist Julia Baird came to her defence.
Mamamia’s daily news podcast The Quicky investigates the unravelling of Israel Folau. Post continues below audio.
If indeed anyone considers Magda to be an enemy, which makes no sense. She has consistently, courageously spoken for the rights and welfare of her own community, not against anyone else’s.
— Dr Julia Baird (@bairdjulia) June 29, 2019
Top Comments
If Scott Morrison introduces religious freedoms legislation later in the year, as now promised, what will it actually protect people of faith from? If it is hate speech directed at their beliefs, then isn't it only fair that non-believers who don't follow that doctrine are provided protective legislation as well that protects them from hate speech shelled out by people of faith?
If a Christian can tell a gay person they are a sinner then a gay person should be able to tell a Christian they are backward. Not that gay people likely would because the need to hate seems particularly strong in those of faith. But it would be only fair that they could.
Highlights the idea that wouldn't it just be easier if we all loved and accepted one another and kept our ugly thoughts to ourselves?
Absolutely. Just spout the love from your religion - about accepting, helping, forgiving etc. That will be more useful in society. Keep the hate to yourselves.
I’m certainly not a supporter of the legislation but the idea is for it to protect religious organisation from litigation if they refuse to include gay people (like the infamous wedding cake case in the US). And I guess it would protect people from being fired for following their faith, so for example if Israel refused to play with gay teammates, and it would probably cover his social media posts.
Nobody’s ability to call bigots backward should be impacted by it, that would still only be restricted by hate speech laws (I.e. no one can call for violence or discrimination against another group).
All of that being said, I wouldn’t trust Morrison as far as I could throw him, so who knows what he might try to put in,
Hopefully it backfires spectacularly and Christians find themselves being excluded by other organisation, just like they want to do to others.
Oh yeah, the LGBT backers never say or do anything nasty, just ask Margaret Court.
There are extremists on both sides. People on both sides should be allowed to have their own views and live their own lives.
Why are Israel Folau's supporters abusing Magda for raising money for charity and promoting love and goodwill? Surely that's the Christian thing to do? Right? Or is it only ''Christian'' if it aligns with your view? I think a certain Jewish man who they claim to follow would disagree with that.