It’s no secret that navigating relationships with stepchildren can be both incredibly challenging and rewarding all at the same time. When people enter into a blended family it can bring about lots of feelings for everyone involved.
Tensions can be heightened and relationships can break down.
For one stepmother she made a decision that is now dividing the internet.
She took away her stepchildren’s inheritance.
In an AITA (Am I The Asshole) post on Reddit, a widower opened up about a particularly fraught dynamic she finds herself in with her stepkids. In the post, she explains how she recently lost her husband of 20 years after he passed away from cancer. When they married two decades ago, they both had children from previous relationships but never had any kids together.
Over the years she experienced tense interactions with her stepkids which led to a pretty difficult relationship between them and their father.
“I tried to treat my stepchildren as my own but they never accepted me,” the Redditor wrote. “They were very rude and insulted me whenever they could. Since I did not work they called me a gold digger who married their dad only for his money.”
As a result of their behaviour, their father pulled back and refused to pay for their tertiary education.
“My husband on the other hand hated how they behaved with me,” she wrote. “Their blatant disrespect made him not pay for them to [go to university]. Their mum couldn't pay for it and they had to take loans for it. They didn't even talk to him.”
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