
Bec Judd: "What nobody told me about the first six weeks of being a mother."

Thanks to our brand partner, Westpac

You’ve done it. After nine months, you’ve birthed a little human baby. Well done.

Put your feet up – you’ve earned a rest. Except, unfortunately that’s not exactly how it goes.

In fact, according to Hello, Bump host, presenter and mum of four Bec Judd the hardest part is only just beginning.

“Just when you think ‘Thank God, the birth is over!’ I’ve got another thing – the first six weeks in my opinion are actually the hardest, they’re far harder than the previous nine to 10 months,” she said on the latest episode of the podcast.

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Case in point? Her feelings after bringing her first child, Oscar, now five, home.

“WTF! What am I doing? Who is this thing? I don’t know if I want him. Dr Len, can you put him back? My life is over. I’m not good at this. He’s spewing… my boobs hurt, they’re bleeding.  I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all,” she recounted.

“The first six weeks are so hard, for me they’re harder than the pregnancy itself. You’ve got a little baby and you’ve got no idea what you’re doing and you are solely responsible.


“You get this feeling with your first baby. By the time you get to the second, third, fourth or whatever, it’s not like that.”

Basically, it’s not what it looks like in the movies. At all.

“I don’t think people tell you that breast feeding is supposed to be hard. There should be a big warning about that,” agreed one caller.

“[It’s hard]When the feelings don’t come straight away. And your hormones make you cranky, everyone annoys you,” said another.

Listen: How Bec Judd really felt bringing her first baby home. Post continues after audio.

Fortunately if any of this sounds familiar, you’re certainly not alone.

“It’s really hard. You don’t know what you don’t know. And you’ve got through pregnancy and think ‘This is easy, I’m just going to go with the flow’ and you see photos of women breastfeeding and it looks easy. Seriously, I wouldn’t have a job if it was that easy,” assured Midwife Cath.

“I can remember Bec coming for her six week appointment with Oscar and she said ‘You know what? Driving him here I really feel like it’s all just come together’.

With so many things happening those first six weeks, both Bec and Cath agree it’s “overwhelming”.

Little legends. D + T.

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Listen to the Full Episode Here:

“You actually feel very sad, depressed, confused, tired, disorientated, sleep deprived, angry, ecstatic… all in one day,” says Judd.

“And it really does take that time to conquer everything, but you just feel good at that six weeks.”

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This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Westpac.