If you own a dog, you’ll know that deep down, your home isn’t really yours.
It’s… theirs.
Yes, you might pay the rent.
Yes, you might do all the cleaning and/or cooking and/or buying of everything that makes their existence possible.
But they make the rules, and we follow them.
When Reddit user dlordjr asked 'What rule has your pet insinuated in your house that you now follow?' almost 2,000 people responded. Because obviously.
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Rafa's rules for harmonious living:
1. If you are on the couch, he may at any point come and look at you. This is the signal to get up because he wants to sit on the couch (yes guests abide by this rule if they are true friends).
2. Any cheese must be shared.
3. You must allow the dog to walk through your legs several times in greeting, this is a sign you are accepted.
4. When going for a walk, we must always stop at his favourite cafe where they give him a piece of fritz. He will drag you across the road if you try to skip it.
Rule one: no one puts on walking shoes until we are ALL READY TO LEAVE THE HOUSE. Otherwise the black and white dog hyperventilates to the point where she may explode.
Rule two: all beanbags in the house belong to the red dog, and thus must be on the floor. If they are not on the floor he will stand and stare at them, then come and collect you to put them on the floor for him. it does not matter of there are already two on the floor - ALL beanbags must be on the floor.