Is this what your home is like at the moment?
I looked to the ceiling and spoke to a higher being this morning – begging for patience. I’m not sure who I was hoping would answer, but the moment was enough to give me strength before I snapped.
“Just get me through this morning”, I begged.
It wasn’t an unusual morning. Just the normal bedlam of get-your-shoes-on, find-your-school-bag, where’s-your-homework? But three of the participants made me realise the true meaning of dragging your heels.
My four-year-old daughter was lying on her floor, tears streaming, fists pounding the glitter-strewn carpet because SHE wanted to open the drawer where her Elsa undies were kept, not me.
My six-year-old son – also on the floor half-asleep in his school shirt – was shouting, and half-sobbing that he wanted his advent calendar chocolate now and didn’t want to wait until AFTER BREAKFAST.
My eight-year-old, hiding under the covers of his bed with a contraband iPad (usually taboo on a school morning) was calling out for the two of them to be quiet because he couldn’t hear the high-pitched tones of some British YouTube millionaire discussing the pros and cons of zombies and slime.
And there I was pretending not to notice the strains of Minecraft coming out from under the sheets, prodding my kindergarten boy with my feet debating just giving him the chocolate to stop his begging, and desperately telling myself not to shout at the two of them (and that British guy) to just BE QUIET.
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God yes my house is exactly the same.
Last Friday night I declared Saturday a sleep in and both my children came and got into bed with me in the morning and we stayed there till lunch time.
We snoozed, talked, read and played i pods. But it was just a little time out and slow down we all needed in the lead up to Christmas.
What craziness is.givimg homework in the last fortnight anyway?