If you haven't met me yet: Hi, I'm Emma.
I'm 20-years old (an Aquarius!), I live in Sydney, and about this time last year, I first wrote the article: 'After 6 months of lockdown, I tried dorky dance workouts. It's now the only exercise I'll do.'
Watch: The Horoscopes working out. Post continues below.
At the time, I shared that I'd never been a particularly fit person - which was true.
My exercise wholly consisted of nights out on the town and long walks to work.
Post-Sydney lockdown 1.0 though, inspired by my newfound love of exercise. I even signed up to a gym (and you can read all about that experience over here).
I clung to that gym like a lifeline. A sign of better times.
Exercising was made fun again with group workouts, and I was reaping the mental health benefits.
But oh how quickly things changed...
About eight weeks ago, as seems to be customary for the 2020s, my routine was flipped on its head and I was, yet again, plunged into minimal human contact and absolutely no shared sweating experiences (A.K.A. lockdown).
Just as quickly as I got into an exercise routine, I found my usual gym sessions substituted with a fairly generous sleep in.
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